Maxmedia Design Agency Client

Senior UX Designer 2024


At Maxmedia, I was tapped to lead project strategy, art direction, and implementation for classified work for Gulfstream’s R&D In-Cabin Experiences team. Because the work involved unreleased jet experiences, I can’t share specifics of the work involved. What I CAN do is talk about the different ways in which I contributed.

Keep reading for a breakdown.


Experience Strategy & Research

  • Ran user discovery workshops — due to the high profile nature of private jet owners, we couldn’t get access to users, so I spent time researching types of owners, ethnography information, and well documented use cases. With my team I defined users goals, pain points, and content priorities. We broke experiences into categories — relaxation, entertainment, work, collaboration, and multi-user.

  • Researched other industries luxury experiences — Apple Vision Pro, BMW 7 Series, Yachts, Bloomberg Terminals, Toilets & Refrigerators.


Art Direction

  • Ran internal ideation workshops to rapidly generate design ideas. Prioritized against a series of experience principles to quickly allow my team to act on concepts.

  • Gave feedback to designers on concepts, ensuring designs aligned with user needs + company goals.

  • Interfaced with client to capture feedback, iterate, and return.



  • Using industry defining new technology, I developed pipelines to understand required technical specifications, design for, and launch experiences in client testing facilities.

  • Defined Now, Near, Far processes for iterative milestone product launches.